Is Abortion Painful? | How Long Does The Pain Last?

Is Abortion Painful? | How Long Does The Pain Last?

One of the hardest parts about getting an abortion is worrying about how painful it will be. If you’ve been Googling the topic, you’ve likely come across very different information, from all sides. The truth is, the pain you feel after an abortion will be about as bad as a very strong menstrual cramp. It may feel worse than your heaviest period, but it’s less painful than natural childbirth.

Most patients describe the pain as very sharp and crampy, like severe menstrual cramps. The level of pain varies by individual. When you are at greater gestational ages, the cramps are more intense and can cause more bleeding.

The Pain Only last A Couple Hours , Or Much Longer?

The pain usually lasts a few hours, but it can be several days in some cases. The bleeding will probably continue for the next 24 to 48 hours and it is common to experience cramps during this time as well. Heavy bleeding that includes passing large blood clots can last up to two weeks after getting an abortion.

Pain And Possible Complications Of  The Abortion Pill Procedure.

A medical abortion (abortion pill) doesn’t require surgery or anesthesia and can be started either in a medical office or at home with follow-up visits to your doctor. The abortion pill starts working within 5 to 8 hours of taking it, and the abortion will be complete within a day or two.

The most common complication of the abortion pill is the retention of some pregnancy tissue in your uterus. Symptoms include cramps, pain in the abdomen, bleeding and possibly infections. The pain usually goes away after a few hours. If not treated symptomatically with medication or other interventions, these abortion pill side effects tend to resolve on their own in a day or two. This risk is higher if you fail to follow the guidelines or if you are too far along at the time of your procedure.

If your pain lasts longer than this, is very severe, or if you believe something may be wrong, please contact a medical professional immediately.

Pain After Surgical Abortion | What To Expect.

The surgical abortion procedure (also known as vacuum aspiration or surgical curettage) is a surgical technique performed by a doctor in which the contents of an early pregnancy are removed. The method involves opening the cervix and use surgical tools to gently remove the fetus, placenta, and uterine lining.

Your doctor may also use a syringe, forceps, or other tools to fully clear the uterus. You may be awake during the procedure. A nurse or doctor will explain each step of the surgical abortion procedure before it is performed.

Patients who receive surgical abortions will experience little pain during the procedure because doctors give the woman a local or general anesthetic. Most surgical abortions are performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The surgical abortion procedure takes 5-10 minutes within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and 10-30 minutes after the 12th week of pregnancy. In most cases, surgical abortions are performed on an outpatient basis with the woman returning to her normal activities as soon as she is able.

Experts typically recommend surgical abortions as a safe and effective method for terminating pregnancies. Surgical abortions have fewer side effects than medical abortions but require two appointments: one for counseling and an evaluation and another for the surgical abortion itself. In some cases, surgical abortion is the only option available for terminating a pregnancy.

If you are contemplating having an abortion in the future, it is best to avoid alcohol and drugs during the process. This helps ensure your safety throughout the entire procedure.

Recovery Time After An Abortion

Abortion recovery times vary from person to person. If someone has a first-trimester abortion with no side effects, they will likely recover in a few days. Those who have complications or emotional trauma after an abortion may take longer to fully recover. Some people experience physical symptoms for weeks, months, but even years after abortion procedures.

If abortion causes serious medical or emotional issues that need immediate attention, call 911 or your local emergency services for help.

The Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center is Offering The One Hour Abortion Pill Procedure – 3 to 14 Weeks. Patients who qualify may receive a significant discount in the price of the procedure if they meet certain criteria.

Call Us Now For Same Day Appointment.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s CenterAbortion Pill Clinic | Articles On Abortion

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