Abortion |What To Expect During Your First Visit.
We treat all of our patients with dignity, respect and compassion. Your visit with us is completely confidential and private.
Once patients have signed in, completed their registration forms, and received their lab testing and counseling session, they are given the option of remaining in a private waiting area reserved only for patients who are having the same procedure.
When you arrive at the Women’s Centers, you will first be greeted by a warm, friendly receptionist who will give you a packet of paperwork that includes a medical history form to complete and sign, review the medical and surgical consent, counseling and birth control forms.
During the laboratory testing phase of your visit you will be asked to provide a urine sample and a small amount of blood will be taken from your finger to determine whether or not your pregnancy test is positive.
The blood work determines if you have a low red blood cell count (anemia) and your Rh factor.
Your pre-operative vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature) will also be taken.
Your weight will also be obtained.
A sonogram (ultrasound) will be performed to determine the length of your pregnancy and to assure the gestational tissue is inside the Uterine cavity.
Abortion can be one of the most difficult decisions a woman may ever have to make.
In 2011, there were 2.1 million (47%) of the 6.8 million pregnancies in the US that were unintended. Approximately 42% of women who have an unintended pregnancy results in abortion.
Without public Government funding, the incidence of unintended pregnancy, abortions and full term births would ve over 60% greater.
It is very important to discuss birth control with all women who presents to a Family Planning Facility before undergoing an abortion procedure.
The abortion procedure is a highly safe and effective procedure. It is one of the most commonly performed medical procedures in the U.S. and around the World.
The decision to have an abortion is very complex. The reasons women want to terminate their pregnancies vary. Some of the most common are 1) they cannot afford to have a child; 2) they need to take care of the children and family they already have; and 3) having a child would interfere significantly with their current life path and could potentially lead to a hindrance of planning for future goals such as completing their education.
Other reasons for pregnancy termination includes:
- difficulty with significant other
- recent death of the partner
- severe medical problems
- possibly rape or incest
No woman wants to have an abortion. She alone has her reasons.
During your counseling session the alternatives to abortion will be discussed, along with describing the procedures that are available. If you ultimately decide to terminate your pregnancy you will then be able to choose the method of abortion that is best for you.
Exam Room
You will be escorted to an exam room when it is time for you to see the Physician.
If you are having a surgical procedure, the abortion is performed by using suction to remove the contents of your uterus.
If you are very early in your pregnancy (less than 6 weeks) and have chosen not to receive IV Sedation, you will be given a medication that helps to soften and open the cervix to make the surgery very comfortable.
The surgical procedure for early abortion lasts only 3 to 4 minutes.
Patients who choose to have regular IV Sedation will experience minimal discomfort or with Deep IV Sedation, will experience a pain free procedure.
The advantage of not having IV Sedation with the early surgical abortion is that you may resume normal activities the same day.
Patients who elect to undergo the early surgical procedure without IV Sedation are able to go home within 10 to 15 minutes after the procedure is performed. It is normal to experience mild cramping for 3 to 5 minutes after the procedure is completed.
During your time in recovery, vital signs will be taken and bleeding monitored. If further along in pregnancy (greater than 7 weeks) or you had IV Sedation, you will stay in recovery for about 30 minutes.
Patients in the second trimester of pregnancy remain in recovery for 45 minutes to an hour.
In recovery, our patients are not just provided with a one type and one size fits all drink and snack while having their post-operative condition and vital signs monitored.
Our recovery areas have comfortable recliners, heating pads, blankets, flat screen cable TV and private restrooms.
Patients may choose from a variety of snacks and beverages.
The recovery areas are staffed by qualified, compassionate employees at all times.
Patients receive comprehensive post-operative instructions; on-call and after hours contact information; and medication samples as well as other items in a discrete take-home bag prior to being escorted from the building to their automobile or that of their companions.
You will be given a 24 hour number to call if you have any concerns or questions after leaving the office.
Our medical staff and physicians are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For patients requiring a follow-up visit appointment, there is no charge.
VIP Patients
VIP patients are those who do not want to be seen by other patients or visitors. We are able to schedule a specific day and time to accommodate patients who request a VIP Appointment to assure their absolute privacy.
In most instances, a VIP Appointment generally requires less than 60 to 90 minutes. VIP patients may have their significant other accompany them. There is an additional fee for this service.
Exclusive Treatment Service.
For women who wish to have the ultimate in privacy and confidentiality, we offer our Exclusive Treatment Service. This option allows the patient to have a friend, family member or spouse and medical staff to be the only individuals in the building.
There is an additional fee for this service; however, it is the very best option for those who must have the highest degree of privacy.
Please contact our office should you wish to have additional information about the exclusive treatment service.
International Patients
Every effort will be made to assist International patients with travel and hotel accommodations. Our Orlando offices are conveniently located near the Orlando International Airport.
We understand that in many countries abortion is not easily accessible and in some it is completely unavailable and illegal.
We welcome our foreign patients and will do everything possible to help make their visit as comfortable as possible. If necessary, we can even arrange for an interpreter.
Cruise Line Employees
We understand the busy and limited time frames of cruise line employees and will make every possible effort to accommodate their schedules. Many of our offices see patients every day and some have evening appointments.
In many cases an appointment may not be necessary and a patient can be seen on a walk in basis.
We will always endeavor to assist cruise line patients with any necessary travel arrangements.
We have an office in Ft. Lauderdale which is very near the Port of Everglades and Port of Miami.
Our Tampa office is located within minutes of the Port in Tampa.
Both of our Orlando offices are located just over 30 minutes to the Port of Canaveral.
We know that making the decision to terminate a pregnancy can be very difficult.
Therefore, we do not want our patients who may have to come from long distances to also endure the stress and frustrations that can be associated with traveling to an unfamiliar area.
This is why we will do everything possible to provide as much travel information and assistance as possible.
A patient may request an exclusive or private appointment by contacting: 24hourabortion@gmail.com or call directly at 407-245-7999 or call the office location nearest you by clicking locations. Same day appointments can be arranged.
Have a Question? Someone is available to answer your sexual health related question by
e-mail 24 hours 7 days a week at 24hourabortion@gmail.com