preparing for abortion -”where quality care is tradition”.

Unwanted Pregnancy – How Early In the Pregnancy Can You Have an Abortion

There are several studies that were performed in China that focused only on women who were 35 days pregnant or less undergoing an abortion. These early abortions in the medical literature are known as ultra early abortions. They most commonly occur time at 3 to 4 weeks from the woman’s last menstrual cycle.

In essence, ultra abortions are performed at or before the woman misses her period. The China studies that have now included over 4000 women show minimal to no complications. The dosage of the two medications used to abort these pregnancies (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) utilize much lower doses. This in turn is associated with minimal to no side effects that are seen when using the higher doses normally required to end the pregnancy.

There were no ectopic pregnancies noted in over 4000 ultra early pregnancies when using the abortion pill method to terminate those pregnancies.

Approximately 20 to 80 of those women should have had an ectopic pregnancy. There are suggestions in the medical literature that in ultra early pregnancies, Mifepristone may work as a treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Further studies are necessary to confirm this possibility.

At the moment a woman suspects she is pregnant and it is confirmed by a positive pregnancy test, thousands of questions and concerns begin revolving in her mind.

In the US, almost half of pregnancies that occur are unwanted. Approximately four out of 10 women proceed to terminate their pregnancy.

The reason women choose to end their pregnancy are numerous. It boils down to not wanting or ready to be a mother at that point in time. The decision to have an abortion involves moral, ethical, religious, family, financial and age considerations.

One of the first things a woman should do is to contact an abortion clinic near her. This may help her decide the proper action to take for herself.

Most women are concerned about how early in pregnancy they can opt for an abortion. Is it necessary for her to wait a certain number of weeks? Is she able to terminate the pregnancy immediately?

unwanted pregnancy

Unwanted Pregnancy Termination

Before these questions can be answered, one must learn about the types of abortion methods and risks associated with having an early abortion performed.

A clarified perspective that follows:

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The signs that you are pregnant may appear before you miss your period. If you aren’t sure what these signs are, there are commonplace symptoms that may suggest one is pregnant.

  • Sore Breasts: Your body starts to change almost at the instant of conception. One of the first changes noted may be breast changes.

They may become excessively tender or swell . The reason behind this is the surplus of estrogen and progesterone made by the body. This in turn leads to the growth of breast glands.

The hormonal imbalance makes space for retaining more of fluids and, accumulation of fat that make them weighty, tender, and sensitive.

The breast change becomes noticeable between three to six weeks. The tenderness goes away once the body adapts to the hormonal change.

After week eleven, the nipples get larger larger and the area surrounding the nipple (areola) gets darker.

If the breast dilemma is distressing, you can opt to buy breast pads that help scale down the friction and discomfort in the nipples.

  • Cramps and Bleeding: Most women have a misconception that their cramps and backache are symptoms before their menses begins.

In case you are pregnant, these symptoms could occur due to hormonal change and growth of uterus.

Generally the reason for the lower cramps is the result of the fertilized egg attaching itself to the uterine wall (implantation).

Implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall may occur on day 21 to 23 of a 28 day menstrual cycle. This may cause vaginal spotting or bleeding that some women equate as their normal menstrual cycle.

Before one mistakes normal period bleeding from fertilization spotting, signs of implantation bleeding are the following:

  • Color: The color of the blood may range from pink, dark red, or even brown.

  • The intensity of Bleeding: Unlike your usual periods, spotting will occur. By spotting, it means that there will be blood only when wiping the vaginal area.

  • Pain: The intensity of the pain may be mild, moderate, or even extreme. The amount of pain may vary from woman to woman.

  • Duration: The spotting may last from a few hours to 2 to 3 days.

  • Skipped Menstrual Cycle: After implantation occurs, the body begins producing HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). This particular hormone allows the maintenance of a healthy pregnancy. The elevated levels trigger the ovaries not to release any more mature egg follicles.

In most cases, women miss their periods once they become pregnant. There are women that seemingly have episodes of monthly vaginal bleeding for two to 4 months.

On close questioning of the woman’s menstrual history, it is noted that the vaginal bleeding episodes are not the woman’s normal menstrual cycle.

If you are experiencing abnormal or irregular periods, you may want to get a pregnancy test.

Early Pregnancy Termination

You could visit a physician to get a pregnancy test or do a home pregnancy test. If the test is positive, the woman must make the decision to continue or terminate her pregnancy.

In case one chooses the latter, you need to visit an experienced physician to reduce the risks and complications of abortion.

  • Increased Body Temperature & Fatigue:

If you experience a sudden rise in body temperature for several days without a sign of relief, the chances are high that you may be pregnant.

Whether you are exercising, out in the hot or cold weather, the body temperature generally remains the same.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the elevation in the hormone progesterone leads to a elevation of the woman’s body temperature. There is a rise in the temperature of 0.5 to 1 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Tiredness and Fatigue:

Women may begin to experience fatigue and tiredness as soon as they become pregnant. One may begin to have to rest and take naps in the middle of the day.

Weakness may also occur. Lifting heavy objects or exercise and walking may become challenging.

The heart may beat faster and women may experience a “pounding in their chest”. This may cause a certain level of unrest in some women. Do not panic! Schedule an appointment with your physician before you come to a conclusion that something may be wrong when it is not.

  • Mood Swings: The hormones Progesterone and Estrogen rise significantly when one becomes pregnant. There is also a increase in DHEA. The increase in the above hormones can lead to mood swings that result in emotional outbursts or aggressive behavior.

Feelings of depression, anxiety, and irritability are commonly seen in women who are pregnant.

No matter how small the issue, pregnant women may find themselves weeping and crying. Rather than feeling perplexed and wondering why one’s behavior has changed, one should consider the possibility of being pregnant.

  • Frequent Urination: Pregnancy increases the amount of blood volume in the body. This in turn, makes the kidneys exposed to more fluid volume that requires filtering and results in a significant increase in urine volume. Women experience an increase frequency in urination that lasts for the entire pregnancy.

Another reason for frequent urination reflects an increase in size of the uterus. As the uterus grows to accommodate the fetus, increased pressure is placed on the bladder.

  • Nausea & Morning Sickness: Starting as early as 4 to 6 weeks pregnant, women may begin to experience dizziness and nausea.

The nausea usually is first noted in the morning but may occur at any point during the day.

As the pregnancy progresses through the 10th to the 14th week, the nausea and vomiting in some women can become unbearable. This is due to the rising of the hormone HCG which does not reach its peak until the 10th to 12th week of pregnancy. The HCG levels slowly subside after the 10th or 12th week of pregnancy.

The elevated levels of HCG and progesterone causes slow emptying of food from the stomach and decreased movement of food throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, vomiting and significant constipation may result during this time.

Morning sickness during may lead to severe nausea and vomiting. Some women not able to drink or eat. When this occurs, IV fluids are administered to maintain hydration. In rare cases, women may require IV Feeding (Parental Nutrition) for several weeks. Rarely is it required the entire pregnancy.

By the end of the first trimester (14 weeks), morning sickness has likely resolved.

In case the nausea and vomiting is preventing a woman from keeping liquids and solid foods down, she should seek medical attention immediately. as

Hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting during pregnancy) can be life threatening due to significant electrolyte imbalance and severe dehydration.

The chart below displays early pregnancy symptoms based on the number of weeks pregnant a number is. It is not meant to be exact times. The symptoms can occur much earlier or later than what is noted in the chart.




Cramps and Spotting

1 to 4

Missed Periods



4 or 5


4 to 6

Aching Breasts

4 to 6

Frequent Peeing

4 to 6

Mood Swings


Body Temperature Change


Extreme Tiredness


Fast Heart Rate

8 to 10

Breast and Nipple Change


Weight Gain



Ask These Questions before Opting For Abortion

Before choosing to abort or not to abort, asking yourself the following questions may help:

  • Do you want a baby?

  • Can you afford a baby?

  • Is your partner understanding and supportive?

  • Are you ready to be a single parent?

  • Is abortion what you really want?

  • Is abortion your decision or are you being forced to have it done?

  • What would be the consequences of abortion?

  • Are you in the middle of a life changing event?

  • Did you just start school?

  • Did you just begin a new job?

The key is not to force any decision that the you will forever regret. Having a child is a life changing event. If one is honestly not ready to be a mother at the end of the day, then having an abortion should be strongly considered.

Sitting down and writing out the advantages and disadvantages of having a child is suggested. This allows you to see all of the facts. The moral, ethical, family, religious, financial and age should all be considered when making the decision to end a pregnancy.

If you choose to have an abortion, try to have it done as soon as possible to reduce the risks of abortions later in pregnancy.

Safe Early Abortion

Safe Early Abortion

How Early Is It Safe To Undergo An Abortion?

The risk of abortion during pregnancy is far less when the procedure is performed in the first 3 to 4 weeks of gestation compared to any other time of the pregnancy.

Due to not being able to visualize the pregnancy in the majority of patient’s at 3 to 4 weeks gestation, the safest method to perform ultra early abortion procedures is the use of the Abortion Pill.

According to statistics, over 90% of abortions in the US occur between 3 to 13 weeks from the woman’s last menstrual period.

There are cases where elective abortions are performed up to 21 to 22 weeks gestation. Termination procedures may be performed further in pregnancy if the pregnancy presents a threat to the mother’s life or health or the fetus has genetic or physical abnormalities that are incompatible with life.

Many States in the US have lawfully restricted the number of weeks a abortion can be performed to between 16 to 20 weeks.

Lawmakers are using non-scientific evidence to pass fetal pain or dismemberment laws to make 16 and 20 week abortion procedures illegal. This is being conducted by far right politicians to eventually ban all abortions.

In some states, it is considered a crime to have abortions performed at 24 weeks or further.

There are two types of abortion procedure methods women are able to have performed. They include the medical abortion and surgical vacuum aspiration procedures.

Types Of Abortions

  • Medical Abortion: This procedure involves taking two different tablets in combination. The procedure is able to terminate pregnancies in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy. Abortion are performed at 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 weeks using the medical abortion procedure where it is found that the fetus has a defect that is incompatible with life.

Combining the two medications not only allow them to work together in unison, but have a higher rate of completion of the abortion procedure and lower incidence of side effects and complications.

There is no limitation on the number of weeks the abortion pill can be used to end pregnancies. Medical abortions are commonly performed at 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 weeks.

The first medication taken is Mifepristone (RU 486, Mifeprex, French Pill). This tablet works by blocking the action of progesterone on the uterine receptors. This causes degeneration of the lining of the uterus and the breakdown of the blood vessels that supply the pregnancy tissue with nutrients and oxygen.

Additionally; Mifepristone causes the intrauterine pressure increases and the cervix to becomes soft and open. Lastly, Mifepristone causes the uterus to become highly sensitive to prostaglandin allowing it easier for uterine contractions to occur

The Mifepristone tablet is given at the Abortion Clinic during the first visit. Side effects may include dizziness, headache, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, lower back and abdominal pain and at times vaginal bleeding. In 1% of cases, the abortion procedure is completed with Mifepristone alone.

The second medication that is taken is Misoprostol (Cytotec). It is a prostaglandin. When it binds to the prostaglandin receptors on the uterus, it causes uterine contractions and causes lower abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding. Ultimately, the fetus is expelled from the uterus and passes out of the vagina.

The Misoprostol tablets can be taken simultaneous with Mifepristone or after 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and up to 120 hours after awards.

Early Medical Abortion – Misoprostol / Cytotec Pill

Misoprostol terminates pregnancies when used alone in 85 to 99% of cases. When combined with Mifepristone, the success rate increases to 94 to 99.5 percent of the time.

The medical abortion when used in the first trimester of pregnancy allows the abortion process to occur 1) in the comfort of the woman’s home, 2) women feel their privacy is protected and 3) the woman may be able to have support of the individual(s) while going through the process.

After 4 to 5 hours of taking misoprostol, the majority of patients pass the fetal tissue. This process is accompanied with heavy bleeding and cramping just prior to passage of the pregnancy tissue. The heavy bleeding and moderate uterine cramps almost immediately subsides after the gestational tissue passes. Mild cramps and bleeding may continue off and on for a few days.

  • Aspiration Surgical Abortion:

Surgical abortions are also called in-clinic abortion or suction dilation and curettage (D&C). The process takes 5 to 20 minutes to complete.

The Physician uses special medical equipment and surgical instruments to carry out the process in a highly efficient and effective manner.

Post-abortion instructions and the 3 to 4 week follow-up exam, remain essential to reduce the risks of clinical abortion.

The chart below represents a detailed differentiation chart that may help in choosing the best abortion method for the individual person.





Ten weeks from LMP

12 weeks from LMP

How To Do

Mifepristone is taken at the clinic. After 6-72 hours, the second pill called misoprostol is taken at home.

Takes place at the clinic only and may take about 10 minutes to complete. The fetus is removed from the uterus using medical instruments.
Pain & Bleeding

Light to severe cramping, which varies from woman to woman. Pain medication is given to deal with the pain.

Bleeding would occur for 1-2 weeks to make sure that the abortion is successful.

Light to severe cramping just like medical abortion.

Bleeding would be present for about a week or so.

Success Rate

98 -99 percent

99 percent


A natural abortion where no medical tools are required

Conducted in the first trimester

Less Bleeding

Less recovery time

Can be conducted after the first trimester


Requires 1-2 days

Heavy bleeding

Use of instruments

Requires use of anesthesia

How to Make the Right Decision?

Here are some steps you should consider before undergoing an abortion. It will help choose the best method to avert the risks of early abortion.

  • Talk to A Physician: If you are confused and can’t make the decision to terminate your pregnancy, it may be best to speak to a medical professional.

A Physician who has the experience in abortion procedures is able to discuss the benefits and risks of the abortion procedure. If you have an unplanned pregnancy, no one can give you better advice than a knowledgeable and certified physician.

  • Seek Online Assistance: Sources like Planned Parenthood are authentic and reliable when it comes to getting honorable and legitimate information regarding abortion.

  • Abortion blogs such as the one you are currently reading is a trustworthy resource. It allows one to gain rightful information if the author is knowledgeable and has the experience.

Not only do these resources help to spread awareness and knowledge to women about their abortion options, but also women to investigate their State Laws on abortion.

  • Advice from Someone You Trust:

A family member or a friend who can remain neutral or has had first hand experience having an abortion may be another reliable resource.

A woman’s partner or companion may be another individual to discuss the option of terminating the pregnancy.

At the end of the day, it is the pregnant woman that must decide on whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

A Guide to the Risks of Abortions

What are the risks of oral abortion?

The medication abortion, also known as the oral abortion method is rarely associated with life-threatening risks. Hospitalization, surgery or blood transfusions are required in less than 0.5% of cases. The chance of maternal death is 12 times higher from a term vaginal delivery or C-Section than a abortion procedure.

There is higher chance of dying from a Penicillin injection or using Viagra pills for erectile dysfunction than having a pregnancy termination.

The more common risks of the oral abortion method are explained below:

  1. A Severe Headache

One side effect of the abortion pill method may be a severe headache after taking the Mifepristone medication. Proper rest, hydration and taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) or a anti-inflammatory medication can help relieve the headache symptoms.

It is recommended that one contacts the Abortion Clinic if the headache symptoms are not alleviated.

  1. Heavy Bleeding

The abortion pill (Mifepristone) blocks Progesterone from binding to its receptors on the uterus. Progesterone is the hormone responsible for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Inhibiting Progesterone binding to the uterine receptors causes the uterine lining to shed and detaches the pregnancy tissue from the uterine wall.

Misoprostol (Cytotec) causes the uterus to contract and expels the fetus from the body. Heavy bleeding may with large clots may begin within 30 mins to an hour after taking Misoprostol. In 50% of women, the pregnancy tissue passes in 3 to 6 hours after taking the Misoprostol tablets.

If bleeding fills up 2 maxi pads for 2 hours in a row, it is recommend that one contact the abortion doctor or medical facility for immediate consultation and evaluation.

  1. Lightheadedness

Dizziness and lightheadedness is another side effect that may occur during or after a medical abortion. It generally subsides within two to three hours.

Tiredness or feeling faint may be indication of too much blood loss. Consultation with the Clinic Doctor should be carried out urgently.

The indications to contact the medical abortion facilities in an emergent fashion are discussed in the initial counseling session.

A instruction sheet is given to all patients prior to discharge from the abortion clinic. It includes the risks of the abortion process and when to contact the office.

  1. Diarrhea

The second pill (Misoprostol) used in medical abortion procedures may cause bloating and loose stools. Diarrhea normally resolves upon passage of the pregnancy tissue.

If the diarrhea continues for 24 hours or longer, it may indicate the onset of a severe infection. This must be evaluated immediately.

  1. Nausea

Nausea is a very common side effect associated with taking the medical abortion pills. If vomiting occurs within an hour of taking the pills, the medication should probably be taken again.

There are risks associated with the abortion by pill process. They normally are normally not life-threatening. Medical professionals in the USA have used the oral abortion procedure for almost 19 years. The incidence of complications occur in less than 1 to 2% of cases. The chance of maternal death is 0.063%

There is a small chance of maternal death that may occur in less than 24 hours after taking the second abortion pill (Misoprostol). Approximately 20 patients have died in North America from this fulminate sepsis.

The symptoms include severe headache, nausea and vomiting, listlessness, unable to follow commands, a foul smelling vaginal discharge and severe lower abdominal, back and pelvic pain occur. The patient is noted to be severely dehydrated. Aggressive Intravenous (IV) fluids and antibiotics are started immediately.

This life threatening infection is initiated by the overgrowth of clostridium sordellii that migrates from the uterus into the bloodstream and may lead to multiple organ failure and death.

This infection is not unique just to elective abortion procedures. It occurs with spontaneous abortions, term vaginal deliveries, C-Sections and other Gynecological surgeries. There is no direct causal relationship between the abortion pill and this severe infection.

What are the Emotional Risks Associated with Abortion?

Every woman has a different emotional response to an abortion procedure. The most common emotion is a sense of relief. It is a very highly emotional time for the majority, if not all women. The decision to have an abortion can be very difficult to make.

The stress and tension abates after completion of the procedure. There may be a few hours or up to 1 to 3 days of sadness and mild depression. Most women after that are able to move on with their lives with minimum to no difficulty or regret.

On rare occasions, there are women that become severely depressed or have suicidal thoughts. These symptoms present in women who have previous history of psychological illnesses which include depression and anxiety disorders.

Women who do not have support from family members, friends or companion may also experience a higher incidence of anxiety and depression..

It may require follow-up with the Abortion Doctor or referral to a mental health professional. The discussion that women have a higher chance of developing a psychological illness after having an abortion has been put to rest.

A 5 year study comparing women who had an abortion to women who delivered at full term did not show a higher incidence of mental problems in the abortion group.

Women who were unable to abort their unwanted pregnancy because of being too far into the pregnancy, unable to afford the procedure or other reasons have a higher chance of developing emotional and psychological problems.

Medical professionals are able to help women understand the psychological risks of abortion.

The Emotional Distraught

A prime factor for women being psychologically and emotionally distraught after an abortion is due to the procedure needing to be performed later in pregnancy.

The earlier in pregnancy the abortion is performed, the less emotional and psychological stress is involved.

Most women have in their mind that a very early abortion is just the initiation of a heavy menstrual cycle.

Not only are early abortions or ultra early abortions (pregnancies 35 days or less) more accepted both psychologically and mentally, the abortion has a higher chance of being successful (over 99%) and the complications and side effects are much less.

Women who are carrying a wanted pregnancy and through prenatal testing find out that the child she is carrying has a congenital or severe physical abnormality not compatible with life is highly tense and disturbing.

Women who have carried a wanted pregnancy for any length of time, have developed a very strong emotional bond to their child. Some women may even believe and consider themselves as murderers at the thought of terminating their pregnancy.

Sleepless and restless days and night, guilt, shame, hurt and mental anguish may happen during this time.

The loss of a wanted pregnancy in the late second trimester of pregnancy can be as highly emotional and stressful as the loss of a 4 year old child.

Women have been known to hurt others or themselves during these trying of times. Families have been known to permanently separate due to the surrounding stressful environment.

What Kind of Emotional or Psychological Side Effects of Abortion are felt by Women?

A woman may undergo emotional and psychological feelings after terminating her pregnancy. These may include feelings of loneliness, helplessness, shame, regret, depression, anxiety, pain, and even suicidal tendencies.

An appointment with a reputed medical professional can help you understand the risk of abortion by pill along with effective counseling. Some women may need further intensive mental health evaluation and therapy.

Who is more likely to face these Emotional or Psychological Issues?

Any woman may experience the negative emotional and psychological impact of having an abortion. However; certain women are more likely to feel the side effects of abortion.

  1. Women with Severe Emotional or Psychological Issues

Women who have mental issues including depression and anxiety may develop mild to significant psychotic depression after an abortion that may lead to emergency psychiatric admissions.

  1. Women Who Have Been Forced or Coerced into Getting an Abortion

Motherhood is a right of every woman if she chooses. It is also her right to provide her child with warmth, motherly love and care.

At times, societal or family pressure can coerce a woman into having an abortion. In certain situations, abortions are implemented based on the male or female gender.

In such circumstances, women feel responsible for the issue as it was never their choice to abort the child.

  1. Women with Extreme Religious or Moral Beliefs about Abortion

Certain countries with orthodox religious beliefs hold abortion as equal to murder. It is also the reason why women in these countries, especially victims of sexual abuse do not consider abortion due to fears of being abandoned or spending significant time in jail.

In El Salvador, a woman spent 8 of a 15 year jail sentence because of having a stillbirth child due to suspicion that she caused a self-induced abortion. There was no absolute proof that she terminated her pregnancy but was prosecuted and sentenced to a long jail sentence anyway.

Even in developed countries such as the USA, the states with conservative Christian populations have indulged in violence against women who have terminated their pregnancies.

Laws have been passed in several States now that will criminalize anyone who takes part in or performs an abortion as laws give the fetus equal rights and equal protection under the law.

If the federal laws in support of abortion are overturned, then the woman and Doctor will be subject to prosecution and jail time if found guilty.

There have been instances where over 10 medical professionals have been grievously injured or killed by religious fanatics over the past 20 years.

Women who have been victims of rape or incest in countries where abortions are illegal or in places with restrictive abortion laws, do not dare seek to get an abortion for fear of being out casted from their community or sent to jail for long periods of time.

  1. Women Choosing Abortion at Later Stages of Pregnancy

Women who choose abortions after 21 weeks represent less than 1% of cases. The majority of patients that have abortions performed in the later stage of pregnancy is due to fetal or maternal indications that abide by State Law.

Late second trimester, third trimester and late term abortion procedures have a lower chance of complications compared to a delivery at term.

A second trimester or late term abortion specialist is able to help women understand what the risks of abortion pill or Surgical abortion procedure entails.

  1. Women without Emotional or Financial Support

At times, women may not have the financial resources, transportation, ability to get off work, or find someone to care for their children to have an early abortions.

The delays of not being able to obtain an abortion may continue for several weeks until after the 20th week of pregnancy.

A Woman may feel isolated because she may not have a support of partner or family. He may refuse to give financial support to help pay for the termination procedure.

There are several non-profit organizations and private donors who are able to help women with funding the abortion procedure and additional monies for travel, food and shelter.

What is the Risk of Abortion in the First Trimester of Pregnancy!

The abortion procedure used for terminating a unplanned pregnancy depends on the experience of the Doctor, medical facility and the patient’s decision. of pregnancy.

A sonogram (ultrasound) is used to determine the number the number of weeks pregnant the patient is. The patient’s history and physical is obtained. Counseling is followed and decision is made on a surgical or medical abortion.

Abortion Procedure-Trimester Based

Which Medical Procedure is used During the First Trimester of Pregnancy?

During the first trimester, a woman has the option of having a medication or surgical abortion procedure. The medical abortion takes into consideration the following method procedures;

  1. Methotrexate and Misoprostol (MTX)

The MTX method is used up to the first seven weeks of pregnancy. The MTX therapy consists of the the combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol.

Methotrexate has anti cancer properties and also used in patients with severe arthritis. Methotrexate was also known in the 1950’s to cause early miscarriages.

The combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol has nearly a 100% success rate in terminating pregnancies that are 6 weeks or less gestation.

The medication combination was frequently used in the USA until Mifepristone was approved in Sept 2000.

The Methotrexate and Misoprostol combination between 6.5 and 10 weeks is 90 to 96% effective. The side effects and complications are higher and the process takes longer to complete compared to the Mifepristone and Misoprostol regimen.

  1. Mifepristone and Misoprostol

The combination is commonly used during the first three to ten weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone is also known as RU486, the abortion pill, or Mifeprex.

The combination of Mifepristone

and Misoprostol is 94 to 99% effective in terminating pregnancies from 3 to 13 weeks.

  1. Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)

The MVA method is used from the third to the twelfth week of pregnancy. Women find it less invasive and more comfortable compared to the electric vacuum aspiration machine. Additionally; there is no noise when undergoing the MVA procedure.

  1. Aspiration

Aspiration is the most common surgical method used to terminate a pregnancy. It is performed from 4 to 16 weeks. It is also known as suction curettage, dilation, curettage (D&C) or vacuum aspiration. One is able to consult a medical professional to learn about the risks of abortion in first trimester of pregnancy.

What Abortion Procedures are used During the Second Trimester?

Medication-based abortion is a less known method for terminating pregnancies in second trimester and third trimester pregnancies in the US. They are the number one method for terminating second trimester and third trimester pregnancies in Europe, Sweden, Africa, Britain, India and China. Those countries have determined that the second trimester abortion pill procedure is the safest method to end advanced pregnancies.

Over 90% of later abortions in the US are performed in the US utilizing the D&C method. Currently many States are passing laws that are banning the D&C method.

Fortunately; there are Physicians in the US that are knowledgeable and efficient in utilizing the medical abortion method to terminate pregnancies in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

The following methods in most States can continue to be used to end second trimester and late term pregnancies.

  1. Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

The Dilation and Curettage abortion procedure terminates pregnancies up to 16 weeks. This method is also known as suction curettage, or vacuum aspiration abortion.

  1. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)

Dilation and Evacuation abortion methods are used for ending unplanned pregnancies after 16 weeks of gestation. One is able to contact a highly qualified doctor at the abortion clinic and discuss the risks of abortion in second trimester.

  1. Induction Abortion

The Induction abortion utilizing hypertonic saline (salt water), urea, and or potassium chloride injected into the amniotic sac is performed in patients who are 16.5 weeks or further. Prostaglandins are then inserted vaginally to initiate uterine contractions and a premature vaginal delivery.

Oxytocin (Pitocin) is employed at times to initiate labor and a vaginal delivery.

What Abortion Procedures are used During the Third Trimester Pregnancy?

Third Trimester Abortions are only indicated in pregnancies where the fetus has a congenital or fetal abnormality that is incompatible with life. They are not legal to be performed in many States in the US.

The term “late term abortion” is not a medical term. There are no abortions that are performed when a pregnancy is actually late term. A late term pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that is 41 weeks or further.

Lay people and the anti-abortion establishment use late term to cause confusion and make people believe that abortions are performed at any gestational week during pregnancy. This is far from the truth.

Some people describe the third trimester of pregnancy beginning at the point of fetal viability. Determining if fetus is viable can only be determined by a qualified Physician.

A fetus at 26, 30 or 32 weeks may not be viable due the congenital or physical abnormality. There are numerous variables that determine fetal viability.

The medical definition of third trimester of pregnancy is at 28.1 weeks or further.

The abortion procedures used during the third trimester of pregnancy include the following;

  1. Induction Abortion

This method is commonly used where the fetal heart is initially stopped by performing a intracardiac injection with salt water, urea, Digoxin, or potassium chloride. Next, Prostaglandins are inserted into the vagina or taken orally. Uterine contractions are initiated followed by active labor and delivery.

  1. Dilation and Evacuation:

This surgical abortion procedure is used for terminating pregnancies after 16 5 weeks. A 1 to 3 day cervical preparation to soften and open the cervix is performed to reduce the complications and side effects of the procedure. After 2 to 3 days of serial laminaria insertions, the surgical procedure is performed utilizing special surgical forceps that assists in the gentle removal of fetal tissue and the placenta.

Same Day Abortion- All Abortions Started and Completed in 24 Hours or Less.

The Same Day second trimester and third trimester abortion procedures are carried out using the combined abortion pill method. It is started and completed in 24 hours or less in 99% of cases with minimal to no complications.

One can contact a reputed medical professional to know about the risk of abortion in third trimester in detail.

Are There Any Precautions I Need to Take after Having an Abortion?

Post abortion instructions are given to all women prior to discharge. A 24 hour number is included on the instruction sheet for patients to call at anytime the woman has any question.

Apart from the medications prescribed by the Doctor at the abortion clinic, the discharge instructions include the following:

  1. DO NOT USE Tampons

Tampon use theoretically increases the risk of bacteria migrating from the vagina to the uterus and causes a pelvic infection.

It may take a few days for the cervix to close and the uterus to heal. This may theoretically increase the risk of uterine infection. Many Physicians suggest not to insert anything vaginally for 2 to 3 weeks.

  1. Say NO to Alcohol

Medical professionals do not recommend drinking alcohol as it will increase the risk of uterine bleeding.

  1. NO Heavy Lifting

Medical professionals do not recommend lifting heavy weights, boxes, buckets prolonged walking or standing. They all have been associated with the increase chance of heavy bleeding or cramping.

  1. NOT Drinking Enough Water

Some women may believe that drinking enough water and staying hydrated is not important but it is.

Adequate hydration reduces incidence of headaches, elevated temperature, lower abdominal pain, back pain, vaginal bleeding, elevated temperature, blood clots, Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.

Vomiting and Diarrhea may be also relieved with consumption of water.

Medical experts recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water in a day. Although some may believe that water is not essential, one can see that it is very important in helping to speed up the recovery process.

FAQs Related to Early Abortion

Several common questions regarding early abortion are answered below:

  1. How Far (number of weeks) Pregnant Are You?

The most accurate method to date an early pregnancy is by ultrasound. Women should always write down when their last normal menstrual period is. In this manner, they can anticipate when their next menses should begin. If it does not, then she should suspect the possibility of being pregnant.

It is important to remember that the earlier in pregnancy the abortion process is performed, the less chance of complications and side effects.. Additionally; less dosage amounts of Mifepristone and Misoprostol are necessary to complete the abortion process.

  1. What Is Early Abortion?

An abortion that is conducted within the first trimester, i.e., in the first three months of pregnancy, is termed an early abortion. The earlier the abortion is performed, the higher the success rate.

2a. What Is Ultra Early Abortion?

The majority of the population is not familiar with the term Ultra Early Pregnancy. It is defined as pregnancies that are less than 35 days from the Last Menstrual Period. Is represents the most ideal time to undergo a termination of pregnancy from both the mental and physical perspective.

Most women from the mental perspective consider ultra early abortions as inducing a miscarriage at worse or having a heavy menses at best.

Ultra Early Abortions performed at 3 to 4 weeks utilizing the abortion pill method, is the safest way of terminating any pregnancy.

China has performed thousands of ultra early abortion procedures. At 3 to 4 weeks, the pregnancy may not be able to be visualized using vaginal sonography. Yet by performing the abortion procedure with no visualized sac, there does not seem to be the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

This brings up the interesting possibility that in ultra early pregnancies of 3 to 4 weeks, Mifepristone may serve as a treatment for ectopic pregnancies.

Future studies must be done to address this issue of Mifepristone treating an ultra early ectopic pregnancy. This would be another benefit of the use of the abortion pill by not only maintaining a woman’s future fertility, but directly reducing the woman’s morbidity and mortality that is associated with a ectopic pregnancy.

Ruptured ectopic pregnancies can lead to life threatening hemorrhage and death in a matter of minutes. It remains a high cause of maternal death in the US and around the world today.

  1. Is Abortion Safe?

Abortion is super-safe. Abortion is found to be the safest when performed early in pregnancy. Research shows that having an abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is 12 times safer than having a term vaginal delivery.

  1. Is Abortion Legal In US?

At this point in time, abortion remains legal in all 50 States in the US. The legality of abortion remains questionable as more States continue to pass restrictive abortion laws. There are States that have successfully banned elective abortions further than 20 weeks.

Other States have banned the Dilatation and Evacuation which in the US is the most common method of terminating pregnancies after 16.5 weeks in the US.

Abortion procedures after 24 weeks can only be performed in most States if the pregnancy is a threat to the Mother’s life or health or a fetal congenital abnormality that is incompatible with life. With several States having passed equal protection laws for the fetus, it will soon become criminal to undergo a first trimester or second trimester abortions.

  1. How far in pregnancy do you have to be before undergoing an abortion?

The short answer is as soon as the pregnancy test is positive (3 to 4 weeks pregnant), the woman may elect to undergo the medical abortion procedure.

Early terminations can be performed using the surgical abortion process as soon as the gestational sac is visualized using vaginal ultrasound.

baby later in life

Early Abortion – Can You Have Babies Later In Life

  1. Can You Have Babies Later In Life?

Yes, of course! You can undoubtedly get pregnant later in life after having an abortion. There is no scientific evidence that undergoing the abortion process affects future fertility.

  1. Which Abortion Method Is Better?

For ultra early abortions, the abortion pill method is better if it can be carried out as it is nearly 100% effective with minimal to no complications. There is no time that is lost from school or work. One may continue to engage in sexual intercourse on the same day as the abortion procedure if one has the desire.

The other advantages of the early abortion procedure is that it can be conducted in the 1) comfort of the patients home, 2) choose the people she wants to be with her during the procedure and 3) maintains her privacy.

  1. What are the advantages of early abortion?

With an early pregnancy, the gestation tissue is very small. It is approximately the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen. It is a small sac that is filled with a very small amount of what appears to be water.

It is much easier to undergo the abortion process both physically and emotionally. Many women find it easy to eliminate a pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy. There is less guilt and emotion involved.

The key is to make the right decision for yourself. One needs to determine if having an abortion is right for you right now in your life.

The earlier the abortion is performed in pregnancy, generally the lower the price.

The risks of doing abortion are less when early abortion are performed as noted throughout this abortion blog.

How to Choose a Physician?

Finding the right physician for an early abortion sounds challenging. If you have the right knowledge and wisdom, you can choose a certified abortion clinic near you.

One of the best methods to find an Abortion Clinic is to search online. Enter the keywords “best abortion clinics near me,” and make a list of the top-rated clinics in the area. Consider the clinics by using the following parameters:

  1. Reputation: Make sure the online ratings of the clinic are fair enough. This generally helps to assure how the community feels about the abortion clinic. One must be careful about totally relying on comments because the anti-abortion establishment is very aggressive regarding leaving negative comments. Their goals are very clear; to stop women from having abortions by any means necessary.

Ask your friends and family if they have a suggestion of which Abortion Clinic is best to utilize. Having a friend who has accessed their services may be highly useful in helping you to choose. In simple words, choose a clinic that is “pro-choice” and not “pro-life.”

  1. Is The Clinic Certified?:

Stringent criteria are met to obtain an Abortion Clinic License. State laws are passed on a yearly basis that are put in place to make having an abortion supposedly safer. In disguise these laws are passed to restrict access to legal abortions.

One must keep in mind that abortion procedures represent one of the safest medical or surgical procedures performed anywhere in the world as long as they are supervised by a professional medical staff and Physician.

If the clinic is illegal or the abortion is performed by back alley personnel or self induced, the dangers of criminal abortion increases the chance of maternal morbidity and mortality.

  1. Is The Staff Informative?:

When you schedule a visit to an abortion clinic, they should give you complete information about the abortion process. Nothing should be kept hidden from you.

The key is to ask as many questions as you wish and be comfortable that you are getting honest answers. The staff should be compassionate, caring and considerate. If not, you are in the wrong place.


This blog was meant to be a comprehensive guide on early abortions. It also covered using the abortion pill method to terminate advanced pregnancies in the second trimester and third trimester of pregnancies when medically indicated.

The Same Day abortion is an option for all women utilizing the abortion pill method. Second trimester, Third trimester and Late Term abortions can be carried out where they can be started and completed in 24 hours or less in 99% of patients. The chance of any complications or side effects is less than 0.5%

The safest time to have an abortion procedure is as soon as the pregnancy test is positive. This occurs 3 to 4 weeks from the last menstrual period. The safest method of performing these ultra early abortions is by using the abortion pill method. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the two medications utilized when performing the abortion pill.

We have extensively reviewed the types of abortions and risks associated with the abortion pill procedure. Early abortion symptoms and frequently asked questions have been answered.

Lastly; remember that it is your life and your decision on choosing whether you undergo an abortion or have your child. The decision is one of the most important and difficult you will ever have to make in your lifetime.

If you have decided to abort, there is nothing wrong with doing so. Never feel shame, guilt, or blame yourself when facing an unwanted pregnancy. Under the most perfect conditions, approximately 1% of women will become pregnant due to their birth control failing. Over 50% of women in the US that present for abortion, used some form of birth control the month they got pregnant.

One in three women have an abortion before age 35. That means when you look at 10 sexually reproductive age women, a minimum of three of them would or will have at least one abortion in their lifetime. You are not alone.

The key is to have the abortion performed as soon as possible to alleviate the complications and side effects that are possible, but rare.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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