Medical Or Chemical Abortion | The Pros And Cons You Should Know.

Medical Or Chemical Abortion | The Pros And Cons You Should Know

Medical abortion, also known as medication abortion, abortion pill, or chemical abortion, is a non-surgical method of ending a pregnancy by taking medication to induce a spontaneous miscarriage.

The combination of Mifepristone (RU486, Mifeprex) and Misoprostol (Cytotec) was FDA approved in September 2000 for termination of pregnancies up to 7 weeks.

Since then, it has been found safe to end pregnancies in the first trimester (3 to 14 weeks), second trimester (14 to 24 weeks) and late term to third trimester pregnancies (24 weeks or further).

This method has gained more popularity in recent years as an alternative to surgical abortion, which is a more invasive procedure and potentially worse side effects due to IN sedation or general anesthesia.

While medical abortion offers several benefits, it also has its drawbacks that women should be aware of before making a decision.

In this blog post, we will examine the pros and cons of medical abortion to help women make an informed choice.

Pros of Medical Abortion:

1) Convenience: Medical abortion can be done in the comfort of your own home, making it a convenient option for women who may not have easy access to a surgical abortion clinic or who prefer to avoid the surgical setting.

2) No anesthesia: Unlike surgical abortion, medical abortion does not require IV sedation or general anesthesia, which can carry risks and side effects.

This makes medical abortion a safer option for women who have health conditions that make them unsuitable for anesthesia or wish to avoid it altogether.

3) Shorter recovery time: Medical abortion typically results in a shorter recovery time compared to surgical abortion.

Women can expect to experience cramping and bleeding for a few days after taking the medication, but most are able to return to normal activities the following day or within a few days.

Patients who are 6 weeks or less can generally return to work or school on the same day without restrictions.

4) More privacy: Medical abortion offers women more privacy compared to surgical abortion. Women can have the procedure done in the comfort of their own home, which can be especially important for those who are concerned about privacy and confidentiality.

Cons of Medical Abortion:

1) Possible side effects: Medical abortion can cause side effects such as cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some women may also experience heavy bleeding, which can be a concern for those who have underlying health conditions.

Women who bleed more than two heavy pads an hour for more than two hours, experience severe lower abdominal pain or have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, should contact the medical office immediately.

2) Ineffectiveness: In some cases, medical abortion may not be effective, and a woman may need to undergo a surgical abortion to complete the procedure.

Though this occurs in less than 1% of the time, it can be a frustrating and emotional experience for women who have already gone through the process of taking the medication.

3) Longer time frame: Medical abortion typically takes longer to complete compared to surgical abortion. Women may need to take several doses of medication over a period of several days, which can be inconvenient and emotionally draining.

4) Cost: Medical abortion can be more expensive compared to surgical abortion. If the procedure is not successful and it requires a surgical abortion, there are medical facilities that charge an additional fee.

This can be a barrier for women who have limited financial resources.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, medical abortion offers several benefits, such as convenience, no anesthesia, and a shorter recovery time, but also has its drawbacks, such as possible side effects, ineffectiveness, a longer time frame, and cost.

Women should carefully consider these factors before making a decision about medical abortion and discuss their options with their healthcare provider.

Ultimately, the choice between medical and surgical abortion is a personal one, and women should make the decision that is right for their individual circumstances and needs.

The Fort Lauderdale Women’s Center is Offering The One Hour Abortion Pill Procedure – 3 to 14 Weeks. Patients who qualify may receive a significant discount in the price of the procedure if they meet certain criteria.

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Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s CenterAbortion Pill Clinic | Articles On Abortion

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