How Long Do You Bleed After An Abortion.

How Long Do You Bleed After An Abortion.

Abortion is a serious and often difficult decision. One of the many concerns women have is how long they will bleed after an abortion. It’s a question that every woman who has had an abortion asks at some point. The answer, unfortunately, is that there is no one definitive answer.

Abortion side effects vary depending on the type of abortion procedure performed. For example, abortion by pill typically has different side effects than surgical abortion.

Here are some factors that can influence the duration of bleeding after an abortion:

Medical Or Surgical Abortion?

There are a few things that can affect how long you bleed after an abortion. First, the type of abortion you had will play a role. If you had a medication abortion (also known as the abortion pill), you’re likely to bleed for a longer period of time than if you had a surgical abortion. This is because medication abortions typically expel more tissue from the body than surgical abortions do.

With the abortion pill, you're likely to bleed for a longer period of time.

With the abortion pill, you’re likely to bleed for a longer period of time.

Individual Physiology.

Second, your individual physiology will also affect how long you bleed. Some women simply bleed more heavily than others do, and there’s not much that can be done to change that. If you have heavy bleeding, talk to your doctor about ways to manage it (such as taking over-the-counter painkillers or using pads with extra absorbency).

First Or Second Trimester?

Finally, how early in your pregnancy you had the abortion will also determine how long you bleed. The further along you were in your pregnancy, the longer it will likely take for your body to recover from the abortion and stop bleeding.

Every woman’s body handles abortions differently, so it’s impossible to say for certain how long you’ll bleed. In general, though, most women stop bleeding within two weeks of their abortion.

How early you had the abortion will determine how long you bleed.

How early you had the abortion will determine how long you bleed.

Still Bleeding After 2 Weeks? Talk To Your Doctor.

If you’re still bleeding after that point, or if you’re having heavy bleeding, talk to your doctor to find out what might be causing the problem.

In rare cases, continuous bleeding can be a sign of infection or other complications, so it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional if you’re concerned.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s CenterAbortion Pill Clinic | Articles On Abortion

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