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Abortion Clinics In Florida: How And Where to Find the Best Care.

Though abortion is legal in all 50 States in the US, laws are being written on a daily basis to challenge constitutional legitimacy. One single vote on the Supreme Court now separates abortion from being illegal.

Rich and well to do women will always have access to safe and legal abortion. They are able to travel to States and internationally where abortion will remain safe and legal.

Making abortion illegal in the US will lead to thousands of poor and indigent women to find illegal and unsafe ways to terminate their pregnancies.

Countries where abortions are Illegal do not reduce the incidence of abortions, it only increases the incidence of maternal morbidity and mortality several fold.

Over 40,000 women die in the world today due to botched and illegal abortions. None of us need to face or repeat the catastrophic events of illegal abortions that occurred in the US prior to its legalization by the Supreme in 1973.

In many states including Florida, accessibility to safe and legal abortion declines on a daily basis due to the forced closure of abortion facilities for various reasons. Many are due to unjust laws written by State Legislators meant to restrict abortions under the guise of protecting maternal health.

Legal abortions are one of the safest medical procedures performed in the US. The side effects and complications that may happen are extremely low. Legal abortions are 11 times safer than women having a full term vaginal delivery.

The Orlando Women’s Center has been in business for over 25 years. We have always been committed to providing abortion procedures that are safe and efficient. We truly care about our patients.

We continuously clean and disinfect our medical offices and offer free facial coverings and access to hand sanitizer to all our patients.

Patient Advice: How to Find the Best Abortion Clinics in Florida:

Go to an Abortion Specialist, not a Generalist or Physicians With Minimal Experience:

Not every doctor has the specialty skills or training to perform abortions. The Doctors that that work in our Florida Abortion Clinics have over 100 years of combined experience in performing pregnancy termination procedures.

The experience and skills at our Abortion Clinics in Florida translate to safety and success in the pregnancy termination services we offer.

The majority of our Physicians have completed their Residency in OB/GYN. They are reproductive women health care experts. They have spent a large percentage of their academic years studying pregnancy and female reproductive health.

Our Abortion Clinics in Florida have medical personnel who are not only highly professional, but dedicated to caring for women in one of the most difficult times in their lives.

Patient privacy, confidentiality and protecting one’s identity are a top priority for all women who visit our family planning facilities in Florida.

Go to a place of neutrality and non-judgment:

Abortion has always and will continue to be a controversial topic. Everyone has their strong opinion regarding the matter. It is woven in cultural, personal, social, religious, ethical, financial, political and family matters.

The truth is that abortion is a decision that should only be made between the pregnant woman and her Doctor. It should not be anybody else’s business.

Pregnant women have their personal expectations and beliefs and society as a whole have their own thoughts and beliefs. They do not necessarily agree with what the pregnant woman is thinking, or what she ultimately chooses to do regarding terminating her pregnancy.

The Doctor should be unbiased, non-judgmental, and ready to help you no matter your reasons you have in seeking abortion services. The benefits and risks of the procedure should be thoroughly explained.

There are some women who after going through counselling make the decision not to terminate their pregnancy. This is Ok.

This is why women should have the choice to continue or end their pregnancy on their terms. They have the right to control their bodies.

Find a Florida abortion clinic that is there for you:

Our Abortion Facilities are some of the best in the country and around the world. We specialize not only in first and second trimester abortions, but high-risk pregnancies where there are maternal or fetal indications for termination of pregnancy.

There are many fetal congenital abnormalities and anomalies that are unable to be diagnosed early in pregnancy. They are diagnosed in the late second trimester (20 to 28 weeks) and in some cases the third trimester of pregnancy (28.1 weeks or further). Many are incompatible with life.

Our Abortion Clinics in Florida specialize in late term abortions. We know that this is a trying and heartbroken situation for the women carrying the pregnancy and their families. We offer private rooms for the woman and her family.

Our medical staff is there to provide the comfort and care that you and your family deserve.

Late term abortions are started and completed in 99% of cases in 24 hours or less with minimal to no complications.

Prior to starting the procedure, the mother is given IV sedation for comfort and medication is placed into the fetal heart to stop it from beating. There is no pain or discomfort to the fetus during the procedure.

Please do research of the Abortion Clinic you choose to visit:

When conducting Google search for abortion clinics in Florida or Orlando, please search for trusted websites and assure they are abortion clinics.

There are many places that advertise as abortion clinics that actually are not. In reality they are anti-abortion clinics that invite you in their facility for free pregnancy tests and sonograms. Once there, they do whatever they can to convince you not to end your pregnancy.

Reading reviews online regarding Florida Abortion Clinics and inquiring information referencing a Physicians Credentials will go a long way in helping you make the right decision for your care.

You may find the name of the doctor and copy and paste their name on the search panel on the ABMS website here.

Reputable and legitimate abortion clinics in Orlando will undoubtedly have many people saying good things about them online and by mouth. Please check their website and social media pages.

Call or email first to gauge their friendliness and communication:

When seeking abortion services, it is easy to call different abortion facilities and find out who is friendly and most knowledgeable.

Do they take the time to answer your questions regarding the intricacies of the abortion techniques, legalities, costs and what that includes?

The right abortion clinic is where there is clear communication. You can generally determine this by gauging the individual you speak with in the first call or by email.

You will need an individual for emotional support. Find a clinic that provides post op counseling or referral if required:

Abortion is not an easy decision. The majority of women are immediately relieved after completion of the abortion procedure.

Many women have an individual to help support them through the abortion process. Women who have the most difficult time mentally getting through the abortion procedure are the following:

  • Have ongoing or previous mental health issues
  • Do not have family backing or a individual to support them through the abortion proceeding

Many studies show that abortions do not lead to higher mental illness, anxiety or depression. Women who are forced to carry their unwanted pregnancy to term and deliver is associated with a higher incidence of mental disease.

There are a few women that experience anxiety and mild depression after having an abortion. They may have a few sleepless nights and crying spells for 2 or 3 days after the procedure.

If episodes last longer, we ask women to return and speak to our in-house counselors.

We understand and sympathize with the emotional challenges some women may face.

The counselor should be a good listener, unprejudiced, and non-patronizing. They should have the patience to answer all your questions. They should empathise and help calm your fears, help you with your other emotional states including guilt and shame.

If they are unable to assure and help you, then a referral can be made for longer term help.

Comprehensive exams and tests should be part of your visit:

A pre-abortion lab work, history and physical exams along with a sonogram for dating your pregnancy are important to help in making the best decision on the type of abortion procedure that is best for you.

Pre-abortion tests are important because:

· They help to reveal your past or present medical conditions that could be a complication for the abortion

· They help to date the pregnancy so the specialists can use a safer and effective termination approach

· They help reveal issues such as blood clotting, anemia, rhesus factor, fetal growth complications, and other disease processes that may require special medical care before, during and after completion of the abortion procedure

In simpler terms, the outcome for you is much better when the abortion specialist conducts detailed tests before undergoing the pregnancy termination. It improves the safety and success rate of abortion. It also reduces the risk of complications and side effects and helps to assure a faster recovery.

Find a specialist that can help with late-term abortion:

It is easier to find an abortion clinic that can help you end a pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy (3 to 12 weeks).

In the State of Florida, in order to perform second trimester abortions, it requires advanced medical equipment and medical personnel experience.

When unforeseen circumstances such as undiagnosed maternal or fetal medical issues stem up after 23 weeks of pregnancy, finding an experienced abortionist is hard to find.

Our abortion clinics in Florida perform both early and late-term abortions. It’s a confirmation and a near-guarantee of quality services, safety and success.

We have performed thousands of abortions on women who have maternal or fetal complications with congenital abnormalities or anomalies.

Before you have the pregnancy termination, please ask about abortion aftercare:

Like many people, you may not know how things work after having an abortion procedure:

  • How do the side effects like bleeding and cramps come and go?
  • How do you manage them?
  • What do you do if the pain and bleeding don’t stop?

There should be a relationship and arrangement where the specialist or their medical personnel are available for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week regarding your aftercare.

The abortion facility should furnish you detailed instructions on how to care for yourself and a 24/7 telephone number to call anytime.

You should receive prompt medical attention when the side effects become a health risk.

Among questions that you may have regarding abortion aftercare are the following:

  • Is the aftercare part of the service?
  • How should I minimize post-abortion bleeding and pain?
  • How soon can I go to work, school, or play?
  • How do I know or report when the side effects become severe?
  • How soon and how do I have sex after the procedure?
  • What contraception should I use, and how should I use it after an abortion?
  • How do I breastfeed after the abortion?

The best abortion clinics will answer these questions in a clear and simplified oral and written format.

When you find a good abortion provider please tell a friend:

Approximately one in 3 women will undergo an abortion procedure before age 45. You are certainly not alone.

Abortion is surrounded by negative social, religious, moral, ethical and political stigma. It forces many people like you to struggle for answers and search for abortion care services on their own.

When you find a good abortion clinic in Florida, please refer a friend you care about in case they ever need top quality abortion services.

It’s about being there for someone and standing with them as they navigate through one of the most difficult times they will ever face in their life.

Orlando Women’s Center

We operate abortion clinics in several locations in the State of Florida. We have qualified OB/GYNs on our team who specialize in both early and late-term abortions.

Our environment is clean, safe, friendly, and comfortable. Contact us for high quality, professional, safe and affordable abortions in Florida.

To set an appointment, please contact us at 407-245-7999 or email at

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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