preparing for abortion -”where quality care is tradition”.

Post Abortion – Will You Be Able to Have Children Later?

Opting to have an abortion does not for mean you are at significant risk not to have cannot children in the future. The chance of a woman losing her fertility after a abortion less than 1%.

Abortion is the number 3 or 4 reason for maternal mortality in the world today. That equates to a woman dying every 10 to 12 minutes in the world from the complication of a unintended pregnancy.

The majority of these women die in the postpartum period due to vaginal hemorrhage or infection. The post abortion period is the most important time for a woman to care and take care of her body.

One prevents chronic pelvic pain and maintains future fertility by having a safe legal abortion and following the post abortion instruction sheet.

Heavy vaginal bleeding, the need for blood transfusion, hospitalization or surgery are rare after a abortion procedure is performed today due to superior abortion medications, antibiotics and high tech equipment and surgical instruments.

Serious complications occur most commonly during the postpartum period.

It is recommended not to insert anything in the vagina for 10 to 14 days after the abortion procedure. This includes a bath, swimming, tampon insertion or sexual penetration. Absence of vaginal penetration is thought to avoid the possibility of bacteria migrating from the vagina to the uterus and fallopian tubes. This in turn is thought to reduce the incidence of uterine or pelvic infections.

It is known from previous observations that women engaging in intercourse within a few hours of delivering term pregnancies did not show a higher incidence increase of postpartum pelvic infections.

Many Physicians currently allow their patients to. engage in sexual intercourse immediately after a surgical or medical abortion in patients who are 6 weeks or less pregnant.

Finding a infamous medical professional who has extensive experience in performing medical or surgical abortions reduces the chance of complications of post abortion significantly.

The Abortion Doctor and Abortion Clinic staff instruct and guide women during the post abortion process. Following the specific instructions given by the expert abortion medical staff, will assist in eliminating the complications and risks one may face.

post abortion

Post Abortion – Will You Be Able to Have Children Later

Medical personnel being available 24 hours a day is extremely important for women undergoing a medical or surgical abortion procedure. This diminishes the risk of a serious complications from occurring.

In order to accomplish a speedy recovery, one has to follow the post abortion instruction sheet that is given to patients by the abortion clinic medical staff.

After the medical abortion method is completed, a follow-up appointment is required to assure the termination is complete and there are no complications.

Under medical supervision, the risks and complications of abortion are rare. Women deserve top equality care care in order to prevent any complication after the abortion process. This will help to assure women having a first rate chance of becoming pregnant in the future.

How to Decide To Have an Abortion?

Opting for abortion is not straightforward. It is difficult for women to terminate or continue a pregnancy that is unwanted. This is why only 40 to 50% of women with a unplanned pregnancy terminates.

The decision the woman uses to end her pregnancy involves moral, ethical, religious, family, financial and age.

Additional factors women use to end their pregnancy are rape, incest, undo pressure from friends, family, companion or husband.

A good example would be a woman who has 3 or 4 children and works very hard at taking care of the household. She and husband made the decision not to have any other children. For some unknown reason, the husband decides to come home one night and rape his wife. She could not afford to get her prescription for birth control refilled and she becomes pregnant.

She is afraid to tell her husband because she fears negative repercussions including possibly death. There have been thousands of women that have lost their lives after terminating their pregnancy after their spouse or companion found out. Knives, guns, public stones deaths or even burned to death have occurred due to women making the decision to have an abortion.

Life becomes complex when a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy. Moral and emotional support becomes imperative to stay strong and fight before and after complications of post abortion.

In Florida, half of all women opting for abortion have an unplanned pregnancy.

Enhanced technology and abortion technique have made the abortion procedure safe, effective and efficient in terminating a pregnancy. Risks and complications of post abortion do happen and are avoided by being under medical supervision.

Consultation with a renowned medical abortion professional before opting for abortion, may assist in making the right decision.

Edifying oneself with appropriate information and facts related to the abortion procedure helps to make the right choice.

The information required to make the decision to abort include the following:

1) abortion methods and procedures, 2) overall costs, and 3) pre-post complications that may happen.

What Are The Abortion Methods?

In general, there are two methods used to terminate a pregnancy- 1)medical & 2) surgical.

Both methods have their impact and effects on the body. For some women, the medical procedure is a great option. In other’s, surgery may be the only option.

Not many Physicians or Abortion Clinic Facilities specialize in performing second trimester or late term abortion procedures using the abortion pill in the US.

There are Doctors and Medical Abortion Clinics that have over 20 years experience performing second trimester abortion pill procedures located in Florida.

The cities of Tampa and Orlando are convenient to travel to by bus, train, plane or tourist ship. Orlando is the number one capital vacation spot in the world. Many women from around the world visit Orlando, Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale to have their abortion procedure performed.

Abortion Tourism is highly popular in Florida as more States in the US and Countries around the world have increased the number of restrictive laws that make it almost impossible to have an abortion.

Many women come from to Florida to obtain an abortion due to abortion being illegal in their country. South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia), the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, UAE), the Caribbean and a few countries in Europe where abortion is unlawful and may carry a long jail sentence if prosecuted and found to be guilty under their laws.

Forced closure of abortion clinics, 24 to 72 hour waiting periods, mandatory statements that must be stated when performing sonograms or obtaining consent to have the abortion are immoral and unjust.

The abortion pill used to terminate second trimester and late term abortions has been performed in many parts of the world for over 20 years. It is highly safe and effective.

The medical abortion consists of taking two pills: 1) Mifepristone which blocks progesterone. This leads to the pregnancy detaching from the uterine wall in the first trimester of pregnancy and 2) Misoprostol which causes uterine contractions and expels the fetus and pregnancy tissue from the intrauterine cavity.

Medical Abortion

Medical Abortion – Abortion Pill

Medical abortions are commonly performed from a few days prior to missing the present menses (ultra early pregnancy) to 10 weeks gestation.

Ultra early pregnancies are performed in China. A ultra early pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that is less than 35 days gestation. These procedures are performed on the majority of women who are only 3 to 4 weeks pregnant. On many occasions, the gestational sac cannot be seen on vaginal ultrasound examination. Smaller doses of Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used to end these ultra early pregnancy. There is a 100% successful abortion completion rate with little to no complications.

In a Chinese study that included over 2000 patients, there were no ectopic pregnancies. This is suggestive that in ultra early pregnancies, Mifepristone may be inhibiting the growth of ectopic pregnancies. This area needs to be studied more in detail.

If Mifepristone is found to inhibit the growth of an ectopic pregnancy in a ultra pregnancy, this will be another medical breakthrough to stop a life threatening complication that occurs in women who have a unwanted pregnancy.

Early abortion pill and ultra pregnancy clinics encourage women to come into the office for a sensitive pregnancy test and undergo the medical abortion procedure to reduce side effects and complications associated with the abortion procedure. There is no longer the need or necessity to wait until the pregnancy is able to be visualized using ultrasound.

Second Trimester and Third Trimester Abortions can be performed using the medical abortion procedure. Late second and Third Trimester Abortions can be performed that threaten the mother’s life or health or chromosomal or fetal abnormalities that are incompatible with life.

Mifepristone in the first trimester of pregnancy, causes the cervix to soften and open up. Additionally; it causes a rise in the intrauterine pressure and maximizes the sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandins. It allows a lower dosage of Misoprostol required to terminate a pregnancy.

Approximately 50% of women pass the fetal tissue between 3 to 6 hours after given the Misoprostol tablets. In 90% of cases the pregnancy tissue passes by 24 hours.

Less than 1 – 2% of women require surgery for a continued pregnancy, heavy bleeding or incomplete products of tissue remaining inside the uterus.

It is strictly recommended to be under medical supervision while undergoing a medical abortion procedure.

One may experience side effects when undergoing the abortion pill procedure. They include shivering, low grade temperature, itchy palms, skin rash, headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lower back and abdominal pain and vaginal discharge.

Surgical Abortion –

Surgical abortion from 3 to 16.5 weeks of pregnancy consists of suction dilatation and curettage vacuum aspiration (manual or electrical).

The surgical procedure is associated with risks that occur less than 1% of the time. They include cervical tears or lacerations, uterine perforation, damage to the bowel or bladder, retained pregnancy tissue or failed abortion.

Women are able to eat light or drink clear liquids the morning of their surgery. Studies show that high anxiety, dehydration and low sugar episodes are avoided when women are able to eat or drink in this manner vs having nothing to eat or drink at midnight the day of surgery.

The concern for aspiration pneumonia is no longer a major issue as it was once thought. It is because the surgical procedure itself only lasts for 3 to 10 minutes. Only a small dosage of sedatives, anxiolytic and pain medications are required.

The risks of abortion by pill are known to be more frequent compared to the surgical procedure. They occur in less than 2 to 3 percent of patients and most are of short duration. The uterine cramping and bleeding is inevitable. That must happen in order for the abortion process to take place.

After Abortion - Care & Concerns

After Abortion – Care & Concerns

After Abortion- Care & Concerns

No matter which method you choose for abortion, taking care of your body and health is extremely vital. Complications post abortion do commonly happen.

Opting for a recognized medical professional with appropriate certifications in performing the medical or surgical abortion procedure will increase the probability of a successful abortion.

Let’s talk about some after abortion care tips to make it safe for you:

1. Engaging in Sexual Intercourse

Many medical professionals recommend not engaging in penetrating sexual activity for a minimum of two weeks. There are no medical studies or observations that show or suggest that this two week abstinence prevents uterine infections.

The use of Super Tampons are not advised due to their history of being associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This causes the death of several women.

There are many women that report having intercourse within 12 to 48 hours after having a medical or surgical abortion without side effects or complications.

There is no evidence that shows having intercourse immediately after a surgical or medical abortion increases the risk of a pelvic infection.

From a theoretical point of view, sperm contains substances that cause uterine contractions. It may help flush out retained gestational tissue. In essence, a medical study may find that having intercourse within minutes to hours after a abortion may reduce the incidence of heavy bleeding, infection or retained products of conception.

It is strongly advised not to have unprotected sex after termination of pregnancy. Ovulation may occur as early as 5 to 6 days after an abortion. sperm can live up to 5 days. This may and lead to an accidental pregnancy.

Birth Control is always reviewed during the counseling session when discussing the benefits and risks of the abortion process.

Severe pain in the abdomen and pelvic region, a foul vaginal discharge and pelvic pain when engaging in intercourse may be warnings of a pelvic infection. They are indications to contact the Physician or medical facility where the procedure was performed.

The discharge instructions and follow-up exam are helpful in preventing the risks and consequences of abortion.

2. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding

Bleeding is the most common issue facing women after the abortion procedure. The bleeding may range from very little to none to severe life threatening hemorrhage. The latter is defined as bleeding more than 2 Maxi Pads an hour for two hours in a row.

The earlier a pregnancy is performed the less amount of bleeding that occurs post abortion. Patients who are 4 weeks or less may not experience any bleeding. This occurs more often post surgically than after undergoing a medical abortion.

Bleeding after a medical abortion normally lasts 5 to 16 days. Approximately 8% of patients may bleed up to 30 days and 1% may do so up to 60 days.

The bleeding after a surgical abortion generally does not last as long as after a medical abortion procedure. The bleeding normally stops in 7 to 10 days but may be longer.

Signs of heavy blood loss that need immediate medical attention include lightheadedness, inability to stand up or raise head, becoming unresponsive, significant sweating or becoming pale.

Uncontrolled heavy vaginal bleeding is a medical emergency. It is one of the most dreaded complications that happens post abortion. If heavy bleeding remains steady for more than 2 hours, make sure to call the abortion facility immediately.

What are the Side Effects of Abortion?

The surgical and medical methods of abortion are safe to the highest degree. There are complications that are not very serious.

After successful treatment of abortion, normal side effects may include the following:

-light vaginal bleeding and spotting
-Abdominal pain and cramping

The above symptoms usually resolve within 2 to 4 days but may last up to 3 to 4 weeks.
Serious Complications of Abortion:

Severe complexity of medical and surgical abortions are rare. They occur less than 1% of the time but include the following:

Severe Sepsis- Clostridium Sordellii is the bacteria associated with sepsis. Patients within 24 hours of the abortion may present with being disoriented, not able to follow directions or answer questions appropriately, severe low back and abdominal pain, low grade or no elevation in temperature. This infection can occur in term vaginal deliveries, C-section or other Gyn Surgeries.

One must contact your Physician or Abortion Clinic personnel immediately if experience complications of post abortion below.

-Foul Smelling Discharge
-Severe lower back and abdominal pain that does not improve with pain medications
-Fever of 100.4 or higher that does not respond to acetaminophen or anti-inflammatory medications
-Bleeding more than 2 pads an hour for 2 hours in row

It is very important to be under medical care when undergoing an abortion procedure in order to prevent the serious complications of post abortion.

Some imperative complications of post abortion method that may occur are the following:

Unsuccessful or Failed Abortion

Failed abortions where fetal parts or gestational tissue remains inside the uterus.
This incomplete abortion procedure can call serious complications of post abortion. This may be resolved by giving Misoprostol to help expel the pregnancy tissue or perform a surgical vacuum D&C procedure.

Uterine Damage

There is a higher chance of uterine perforation when performing a second trimester abortion. Cervical preparation using Misoprostol and or Laminaria reduces the chance of uterine perforation, cervical tears and laceration, bladder or bowel damage, heavy bleeding or retained pregnancy tissue in the uterus.

Medical professionals will specify tips and guidelines to lessen the complications of post abortion. Following the discharge instruction guidelines will assist in reducing the risks and complications one may have after the procedure. Moreover, these tips lend a hand in lessening the after-effects of abortion as well.

Some vital post abortion caring tips are as follows :

-Drink More Water: Drinking an adequate amount of water reduces the chance of dehydration, fever, chills, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or urinary tract infection or pelvic infections.

-Adequate hydration reduces the chance of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism.

-Satisfactory hydration will help to expel the blood clots from within the intrauterine cavity.

-Drinking enough water lessens the incidence of vomiting and diarrhea.

-Inadequate water intake may lead to an elevation in body temperature.

-Resting More: Recovering from the abortion treatment becomes much easier if you rest for a day or two postprocedurally.

-Relaxing in your home will offer more comfort and pleasure. Prolonged standing, walking and heavy lifting can be associated with passage of blood clots or heavy bleeding.

-This may lead to significant pain and discomfort due to increased uterine contractions. A day or two of bedrest may help to reduce complications of post abortion.

-Exploit Heating Pads: The application of a hot water bottle or electric. heating pads to the lower abdominal and pelvic region may help reduce significant abdominal and pelvic pain.

-Experiencing uterine cramps and pain after the abortion procedure is normal. Utilization of the heating pad may cause the uterus to relax and lead to heavier vaginal bleeding.

-Pain Medications: Numerous painkillers are easily accessible in the marketplace. Not all of them are made for abortion patients. Only a doctor can the best medications to be taken after the abortion procedure.

-Aspirin products may actually lead to blood not being able to clot effectively as they contain anti-platelet factors. This is why most Abortion Clinics or Abortion Doctors do not recommend usage of Aspirin after abortion procedures.

-Anti-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory medications are helpful in reducing the pain, discomfort and elevated temperature that may occur post abortion.

Uterine Massage;: Massaging the Uterus is another method used to help reduce heavy vaginal bleeding, reduce uterine cramps and discomfort, help expel retained products of conception.

A professional abortion specialist will be able to suggest methods and ways to allow one to attain comfort and reduce pain.

Tight-Fitting Clothes: Wearing a tight-fitting sports bra will help prevent milk let down that may lead to painful and engorged breasts.

One must not allow direct stimulation of the breast either through physical touch or taking a shower.

Engorged breasts, mastitis and other complications of post abortion can be avoided by following the post procedural discharge instructions .

Emotional Support: It is well known that the proper support from a companion, close friend or a family member can go a long way to help a woman through one of the most difficult times in their life.

Women going through the abortion process may have a drastic change in their behavior and character. This is due to the stress, anxiety and emotional roller coaster that occurs with pregnancy.

The hormonal imbalances that occur during pregnancy directly influence a woman’s behavior during and post pregnancy. Anxiety, sleeplessness, minor or major depression are known to occur after a term deliver.

Similar psychological symptoms have been known to occur following abortion procedures. Studies out to 5 years have shown there is not a higher incidence of psychological problems compared to term deliveries.

Additionally; the women who have the highest incidence of psychological problems after the abortion procedure, are women who have a history of anxiety, depression or other psychological issues.

It is imperative for women going through the post abortion process to stay in touch with the abortion clinic or abortion specialist to reduce the chance of complications of post abortion.

Post Abortion Birth Control

Nobody wants to ever experience an unwanted pregnancy. Japanese women approximately 30 years ago used abortion as their primary method of birth control. The average number of abortions they had was seven.

There are certain countries in Africa today (Nigeria, etc.) where abortion is their primary means of birth control. The women fear birth control will cause infertility.

Having multiple abortions today are safe. Utilizing abortion as the primary method of birth control is not as safe as hormonal methods.

Ovulation may occur as early as 5 to 6 days after the abortion process is complete. Starting a birth control method immediately should be suggested to all women who do not have any contraindications in doing so.

Emergency Contraception (Morning After Pill), Medroxyprogesterone Acetate injections, Birth control pills, insertion of progesterone pellets, IUD, and female and male condoms are all ways to address prevention of a unwanted pregnancy.

It is known that most women do not wait more than two weeks to have intercourse unless experiencing complications or side effects after the abortion procedure is completed.

There are abortion facilities that give away the Emergency Contraceptive pill. It is included in their abortion fee. The pill is Levonorgestrel 1.2 mg tablet. It is a high dose of the hormone progesterone. It works by delaying or inhibiting ovulation.

Levonorgestrel is not the abortion pill. It does not cause a termination of pregnancy. Neither does it prevent implantation of the blastocyst (pregnancy tissue) into the uterine wall.

Usage of Condoms & IUD

Usage of Condoms & IUD

Usage of Condoms & IUD

One should follow the physician’s instructions on when to initiate intercourse after having an abortion performed. One should wait to engage in active intercourse until cleared by medical personnel. This rarely happens.

The use of condoms are a excellent way to prevent a pelvic infection or avert an unintended pregnancy.

There are doctors that insert IUDs (Intrauterine Devices) on the same day after the abortion procedure is performed.

There is no evidence that IUD insertion post abortion is associated with a increased incidence of infection.

Usage of Plugs or Tampons

Usage of Plugs or Tampons

Usage of Plugs or Tampons

Bleeding is the most common concern for women post abortion. In most cases, it is similar to what they experience during their normal menstrual period. This is especially true for women who are 6 weeks or less pregnant.

Bleeding after medical abortion on average ends in 5 to 16 days. In 8% of women the bleeding may last up to 30 days and in 1% it may end in 60 days.

The bleeding may start off heavier than than a normal menses the first 3 to 4 days post procedurally.

One should only use sanitary pads and not tampons. The use of tampons may increase the risk of pelvic infections. Bacterial infections during this period can be life-threatening to women. Medical professionals suggest using sanitary pads to avoid the complications of post abortion.

Will You Be Able To Have Children Later?

Opting to have an abortion does not for mean you are at significant risk not to have cannot children in the future. The chance of a woman losing her fertility after a abortion less than 1%.

Is it really safe to have children after an abortion? Let us find the answer to that question.

Women are able to get pregnant almost immediately after the abortion procedure is complete. The risks of abortion in the second trimester are slightly higher than in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is especially true of women who have had a previous C-Section. This is due to a slightly higher risk for uterine perforation.

Women are told not to become pregnant for 3 months after having an abortion procedure.

Usage of birth control methods like condoms and birth control pills starting immediately post procedurally are highly recommended.

Women may become pregnant within the first week after abortion even in the presence of vaginal bleeding.

Can you get pregnant after Abortion?

The average time that ovulation returns post abortion is between 2 to 4 weeks. A woman may become pregnant even if she never has a menstrual cycle during the post abortion period.

Symptoms of Pregnancy Post Abortion

Symptoms of Pregnancy – Post Abortion

Symptoms of Pregnancy Post Abortion Include the Following:

-Missed Menstrual Cycle

Missing a menstrual period is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy after an abortion. The normal cycle generally takes 4 to 6 weeks to return. If in case your cycle has not returned by 8 weeks post abortion and you have been active sexually, a pregnancy test and follow up with Physician should be considered.

Nausea and Vomiting:

These two symptoms almost go away instantly after the abortion is complete. These symptoms may not resolve until after 3 to 5 days of performing medical abortions. If the symptoms do not resolve in a few days, it may suggest a incomplete or continuous pregnancy.

Continued Breast Tenderness:

Breast tenderness occurs early in pregnancy. After terminating the pregnancy, it may take a week to 10 days for the tenderness to resolve. With a incomplete abortion or a continuous pregnancy, the breast tenderness and nipple sensitivity does not resolve.

Dizziness & Fatigue: A woman may experience dizziness and fatigue at the time of pregnancy. This generally resolves almost immediately after the abortion process is complete. If this continues 2 to 3 days after the abortion is performed, it may indicate that the abortion procedure failed.

How To Identify a Failed Abortion

A doctor is able to identify if a woman has a continuous pregnancy by 1) A pregnancy test will generally remain positive up to 7 to 10 days after a surgical abortion procedure. It may take up to 2 to 4 weeks for a pregnancy test to become negative after a medical abortion. 2) A pelvic or vaginal sonogram is performed to determine if a) uterus is absent of gestational tissue, b) there is a incomplete abortion where fetal gestational tissue is notes or c) the fetus is present and no evidence of growth (fetal death in utero) or d) fetus is present and showing evidence of growth (enlarged gestational sac or active fetal heartbeat)

For how long one should wait for pregnancy after an abortion?

Most Physicians suggest that women wait to become pregnant approximately 3 months after the abortion procedure. Physicians were taught that this 3 month hiatus allows the cervix to close, the uterus completely heals and the hormones and her body have the time to return back to normal.

If you and your partner feel ready to get pregnant before that time, there is nothing that prevents a woman from doing so. One must be prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally before making this big decision.

Historically; medical abortion professionals have recommended women avoid sexual penetration for 15 days after an abortion procedure. This theoretically reduces the incidence and risks of complications of post abortion. There is no scientific evidence that refraining from sexual intercourse reduces the chance of a pelvic infection.

Over the past several years, many abortion clinics suggest that women may begin to engage in intercourse as soon as she is comfortable. This includes the same day of the abortion procedure if she wishes.

If you developed complications of post abortion within a few days of completing the abortion process, then one should consult with the Abortion Doctor when to engage in sexual intercourse again. .

Some complications that are likely to happen in surgical abortion include:

-Heavy Vaginal Bleeding
-Serious Spreading Infections
-Preserved Tissues
-Uterine Damaging
-Cervical Tears
-Negative Reaction to some Medications

A medical checkup might be a great idea to ensure next pregnancy is safe and does not carry any complications from the previous one.

Risks of Abortion for Future Pregnancies

Abortion is never responsible for the risks of infertility or miscarriage in further pregnancies.

With modern techniques used to perform abortions, there is no evidence that the majority of complications of post abortion result in premature birth, small for gestational age infants, increased incidence of pre-eclampsia or cervical incompetence.

The medical professional will help a woman choose the best procedure for her after a history and physical evaluation and discussion of benefits and risks of the abortion procedure. This also includes discussion the risks of abortion for future pregnancies.

In summary; complications of post abortion surgically or medically are minimal. The incidence of minor complications occur in less than 1% of procedures. The incidence of serious complications that require hospitalization, surgery or blood transfusions occur less than 0.5% of women.

Maternal death following an abortion procedure is 10 times less than a term vaginal delivery or C-Section. Complications occur more frequently with receiving a shot of Penicillin, getting a wisdom tooth pulled or taking Viagra for Erectile dysfunction.

Reducing the complications and side effects surrounding any abortion procedure are minimized when under medical supervision and know the complications that can occur post abortion.

Dr James S Pendergraft | Orlando Women’s Center | Abortion Clinic Orlando

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